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Jasmine Jewels likes to fantasize about past sexual encounters on shemantube. She frequently visits shemantube and play with herself. Her favorite is this guy named Gregg, who is a bartender. He was the first guy that fingered her and that gave her such a great orgasm. She also fantasizes about a woman eating her while fingering her. As soon as her pussy starts to pulse, she starts to slightly rub the top of her pussy gently with her whole hand on top of her panties. After she feels wetness in her panties, she inserts her hand into her panties with her right index finger, her middle finger, and her ring finger. She crosses her legs and puts all 3 fingers on her clit while she moves it up and down, crossing her legs. She then squeezes the muscles in her legs and her pussy. She gets 6 to 7 orgasms a session.

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